Traffic Accident Policy


Salient Feature

Scope of Cover


Salient Feature


Travel Insurance is now an essential security tool, to ensure protection 

against unforeseen accident whilst travelling. Travel has become

 essential for the average citizen. People travel for business, holiday, 

education and other requirements. To offer the Indian traveller protection in

 respect of road/rail travel, National Insurance Company (NIC) has 

developed a unique product called Traffic Accident Policy.




Scope of Cover


a)       Personal Accident Benefit Part.


This consists of the following benefits if the insured sustains bodily injury

 due to accident caused by external, violent, visible means.


 Death                                                                                    - Rs. One Lakh


Loss of two limbs/two eyes/one limb and one eye      - Rs. One Lakh


Loss of one limb or one eye                                             - Rs. Fifty Thousand


Permanent Total Disability                                                                - Rs. One Lakh


This part of the policy covers death / disability on 24 hour basis and is not limited

 only to accidents due to rail/road travel, but covers all types of accident.


b)       Personal Accident Reimbursement Part.


If the insured person sustains bodily injury which requires medical treatment 

as advised by a qualified Medical Practitioner arising solely and directly 

from rail/road accident, the expenses for the medical expenses for treatment 

as under:-


Hospitalisation expenses for medical / surgical treatment at nursing home /

 hospital as an inpatient   - up to Rs. One Lakh.


Outpatient treatment up to Rs. 10,000/- within the overall limit of Rs. One Lakh



Domiciliary hospitalisation is also covered in case the patient cannot be 

removed to the hospital or for lack of accomodation in hospital.


Premium : Rs. 150/- for each insured person per year.


The policy has an assignment clause to help the insured to 

nominate the beneficiary in case of unfortunate death due to accident.

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